Thursday, June 08, 2006

Okay, so the past few weeks have been a good down time for me and time to start adjusting to what's ahead. My wife and I have been converting my office into "our" office now, since I won't need it exclusively for work. Also, I've been talking to people about what's been going on and for the most part they've been great. Tomorrow actually starts the big day and I do have to admit that I'm a little nervous and not quite as prepared as I'd like to have been. But I know that this is all part of the master plan so that part of it does excite me. I just want to be able to give and teach my daughter so much. Part of me knows that I just have to be patient and try not to do too much at one time. The other part of me knows that I need to branch out and make sure that there will be enough for me to do with my daughter so we both don't go crazy. BTW - Here's a recent picture of us. ;)