Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Katie and I went for a much needed walk yesterday after the bad rain storm that dumped several inches of rain on us over the past few days. Needless to say, I think the both of us needed a break and to get over our bout of cabin fever. As we strolled along, we came across an older lader with a walker. As I normally do, I said hello and started talking to her. Come to find out that she had just turned 100 back in May. She has an aunt she calls her "cousin" for some unknown reason that lives just down the street that is 104. Amazing. I just thought it was a little ironic (doncha think?) that here I am taking care of one that is just starting out life and run across a little old lady still going at age 100. The only thing that was wrong with her was her eyesight. But she could tell the difference between the grass on the side of the road and the gravel. Pretty neat. Hopefully we'll run into her again soon.

No dog this trip. We had a dog try to follow us home the other day. He was friendly but I wasn't comfortable getting too close to a dog I didn't know, especially with Katie. Fortunately, the dog caught wind of a dead animal smell (I think it comes across as something like the Golden Corral buffet to them or something) so he headed in one direction and I picked up the pace and headed in a different direction.

Katie wants a pet. Still working on that with her mom. :)