Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Okay, so the weekend caught up with me and lots have been going on so I apologize to anyone who may be reading this on a daily basis (the few.. the proud).

Two major news events to report in the life of my daughter. The first was last Saturday when we attended the birthday part of a neighbor's child up the street. They had farm animals. Lots of farm animals. I saw my next door neighbor there and immediately cornered him in the yard and made him pledge, on promise of death, that he would never ever have an animal themed birthday party. This just sets bad presedent and would eventually mean that the rest of the parents in the cul de sac would have to follow suite. This would not be good for the rest of us. :)

However, we were able to enjoy the ducks, sheep, mice, kitties (I think they had them drugged but I can't prove it), pony and bunnies while being scorched by the summer beat bearing down on us at a lovely 95 degrees with no breeze. See below.

Then, yesterday, Katie had her first haircut. As you recall, Katie's bangs are getting quite long and since she is quite uncooperatiave in having any sort of berets or anything holding her hair up, mom finally broke down and got her bangs cut. For the most part she was fairly cooperative, although the pictures are priceless!