Thursday, August 24, 2006


I will try to update this as best I can. First off, thanks for all the support we've been getting since the article came out. It feels good to know that others out there think we're doing the right thing (and we'll be looking for donations in the near future). j/k. :) It's funny because I have had several people come up to me out of the blue and ask if I was "that guy" in the article in the paper. Rather strange feeling but pretty cool at the same time. That's why I'm feeling so bad for not updating this more. Of course, this is a good segue into what else has been going on.

I've been watching the neighbor's 2 1/2 year old daughter a couple of days this week while watching Katie. This helps them out plus it gives Katie the chance to interact more with other little kids. So far so good, although I do have to admit that it has been quite an adjustment on my part having to watch two small children so mobile instead of just one. The other strange world I've entered is the fact that the 2 1/2 year old is potty trained but still needs a little help on the potty. It's cool and all but helping out someone else's child besides my own is still strange. It may sound weird but I don't think twice about changing Katie. I don't know why but any child but Katie kind of puts me back in that place I was before Katie came along. All thumbs and feeling very ackward. I'll get over it I guess.

I've also started doing something for me. Our church has a "bootcamp" class )which is actually no joke. It legitamately is a tough class) that they offer from 5:45 - 6:45 am every M-W-F. My wife took it last 8 weeks and we've switched off in the morninigs so I can start taking it. So not only am I having to adjust to getting up that early and blowing the dust off my bones from a 18 month layoff but I then have to come home and watch 2 small children. Yes, I am tired, thank you very much! :)

We finished up swim class today! Katie is a little fish. We'll probably take one more set of classes the next time they're offered. She really seems to enjoy it and I get a kick out of it as well. See the pictures below. More news tomorrow!