Sunday, August 13, 2006


Just found out today that the newspaper article is going to be in next Sunday's paper (so everyone in the local area pick you up a copy!).

Sorry again for the long delays. I've been trying to find the charger to the camera so I can take some pictures of what's been going on and have only just recently been able to find it again. Of course it's in the most obvious place (isn't it always??)

Here is the latest and greatest in my world. It's hard to believe that it's been since the 2nd week in June that I've started this journey. I was realizing just today how much I've changed and how my new "position" has changed as both a man and as a dad. I've already become accustomed to being at home and I do find it rather strange now when I'm not with her during the day. It's so much more refreshing and honest to be with her than to have to play the corporate "game" that I used to play and that so many people still play every day. Now my games consist of "giving the stuffed animals kisses", seeing how quickly I can change a dirty diaper before little naked butt scoots off the bed and runs away and the all-time favorite "let's see if I can sneak out of the room when she's only half asleep only to get busted (see earlier post for that story). But all in all, things have been going well.

I do have to tell you about one incident that happened this past week that was quite funny in hindsight. As I mentioned, we have a bedroom that is used primarily as a guest bedroom/catch all room/changing room for Katie. I think most people have one form of this room or another in their household. I was in the process of changing her when she decides to do her little, "I'm not going to hold still long enough for you to finish putting the diaper on me" routine. So here I am, looking at a half way dressed/half naked 17 month old at the top of the bed, laughing at me (Honestly, I think she was mocking me but I can't prove it!). The next thing I know, there is this dark spot suspiciously starting to form right in between her legs. OH NO!!

I quickly pick her off the bed, take her to the bathtub right next door, do the rest of the strip down of her all while desperately trying to strip the bed of the dark pee stain that had started forming on the bed. Fortunately, the sheets could be washed and nothign got on to the mattress. Unfortunately, the comforter could not be washed by me and I'm picking it up from the dry cleaners tomorrow. Oh, and BTW - never have your 17 month old have their bottoms off while in the bathroom but not in the bathtub with the water running. I may have well have had her hand in warm water... Again, the reaction time to this is crucial when attempting to minimize the damage. :)

But ya know what's really great about being at home with Katie? At least when she starts acting like a child, she has an excuse. And the only office politics I have to deal with is which book is going to be the reading book of choice for that day. Life is good!