SO we get a brand spanking new playset for Katie the other day. It looks great. Had the guys come out and set it up and everything is good to go. I have been helping out watching the neighbor's daughter, along with Katie (as reported) and we were excited about letting the girls go out and play. So I take them out there to play, relieved to let them get out of the house for a bit and also to be able to let them run a little bit of energy out while I have them both. So we're playing for a while and I notice that the other little girl is not within eye site. Of course I panic because 1) I have become very cautious of making sure I know all things at all times with these two and 2) the playset is close to a wall and I don't want either of them to fall off and break something. I call her and get no response so I run around to the other side to find her playing over there, just fine. AT this same time this is going on, Katie is in the process of trying to climb up a ladder to get to the top section. The moment I race back to check on her, she is approx 4 ft off the ground and loses her grip on one side of the ladder. She crashes to the ground, landing on her back. I start to freak out. She starts to cry. I immediately pick her up, checking to see if anything makes her go "oww" more than normal. Fortunately, these little ones are apparently made of rubber because all it seemed to do is just scare her a little while. I quickly gather both girls up, take them inside and decide that watching Seseme Street is much safer than letting them play on a brand new playset. Hey, works for me and my heart!
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